Undoubtedly, religious bodies and rituals play an important and key role in the rapid social changes and the movement towards the new Islamic civilization on the horizon of the second step of the revolution. The delegation is the gathering of believers centered on the affection of the Imam and closing their circle around the holy existence of God's guardian. Imam Sadiq, may God bless him and grant him peace, specified the task and purpose of this enlightened meeting when he addressed Fazil and said: "Do you sit together and have a conversation? I like such gatherings; So, O Fazil, revive our cause! May God have mercy on those who revive our cause. O virtuous person, whoever mentions us or is mentioned to him and tears flow from his eyes the size of a fly's wing, God will forgive his sins even if they are more than the bottom of the seas.»[1]

Therefore, the revival of the Ahl al-Bayt, peace be upon him, which has a deep meaning and includes wide dimensions, is the main mission and special task of the delegation, and this deep and multifaceted meaning will also be the central core of the new Islamic civilization. Considering this fundamental point, the importance of an institution called the board has become more apparent and the necessity of studying and examining its potential and actual capacities is highlighted. An institution that is like the lived experience and identity of Shiites and lovers of Allah, peace be upon them, and is mixed with the fabric of their lives and has the full capacity to socialize or enter into social challenges.

One of the requirements of "maximizing activation" of this huge and exclusive capacity is the proper scientific effort and efforts regarding its aspects and issues.In the meantime, perhaps, the weight of the burden on the shoulders of students, professors, researchers and thinkers is felt more than others. Perhaps the talk of thinking and researching on the issue of religious authority and rituals does not have a very long history, and this issue also increases the difficulty of taking a step in this direction; But surely neglecting this vital issue and achieving scientific and practical results will have value and sweetness that overshadows that difficulty.

The importance and necessity of scientific activity in this field was so much that in 2015, the Supreme Leader of Madzala-ul-Ali considered the phenomenon of delegation and praise worthy of scientific work and expressed his demand regarding this issue.Therefore, the Specialized Center for the Revival of Imam Sadiq University, peace be upon him, responded to this demand of the supreme authority of the province and intends to collect valuable scientific articles on this issue through the publication "Hayat and Tamdan". The most fundamental purpose of starting this scientific publication is to make the scientific community, both in the field and the university, aware of this issue, to prepare for the creation of a discourse and to promote and stabilize the scientific view of the religious body and rituals, and also to analyze its relationship with civilization.


[1] Wasal al-Shia, vol. 12, p. 20

Scientific Conference of the Board and Religious Rituals

Specialized Center for the Revival of Imam Sadiq University, peace be upon her

Seyed Abolhasan Hoseini

Gholam Reza Goodarzi

Deputy Editor:
khalil noruzi PhD

Editorial Board:
Mohammad Hadi Homaion PhD

Associate Editor:
Seyed Reza Moayedi

Frequency: Quarterly